Major Social Issues In Pakistan
Pakistan is facing up more social issues during the PTI Government
Rashid Hussain
A vast majority of Pakistani nation desired PTI to make the central government, Imran khan-led PTI, after a long political struggle, eventually won the general Election 2018 and succeeded to form the government in the Centre for the 1st time. Due to large no of fan following of Imran Khan, who won ICC World Cup for the country, he seized the opportunity, formed PTI and started political struggle which finally earned him success and he became the prime minister of Pakistan. This is the first time in Pakistani history that a political party other than PPPP & PMN-N, has formed the government in the Centre as well as in provinces. PTI government came into power with the “slogan of Change” but unfortunately it has been struggling to deliver and act upon its manifesto owing to various hindrances caused by government allies, opposition parties, and internationally-backed actors, then some obstacles are present inside the party itself.
Pakistani people voted for PTI in a hope that it would bring about revolutionary developments to the country, major reforms in all walks of life would be brought, inflation rate would reduce, more people would get their livelihood, literacy rate would get better etcetera; however a common citizen is facing up lots of social problems – whether it is unending growing-unemployment, inflation, hazard of insecurity, rampant corruption injustice, sanitation issue, lack of quality education, feudalism, energy crisis, water shortage in several areas, water pollution, air pollution, high infant mortality ratio, or other important issues.
One of the major issues is nuisance of corruption in state institutions, which has contributed badly towards downfall and backwardness of the country, if our institutions were delivering to the best of their abilities in accordance with Quaid e Azam’s policy of honesty which he advised in an address to civil servants, once in 1948; “Work honestly and sincerely and be faithful and loyal to the Pakistan Government. I can assure you there is nothing greater in this world than your own conscience and, when you appear before God, you can say that you performed your duty with the highest sense of integrity, honesty and with loyalty and faithfulness”. It is not sincerity and faithfulness to the country that officials of government institutions do their assigned duty only to get salary and to pass the time or to gain personal benefits, and not addressing the problems of the public who reach out to these government offices in expectation to get their problems solved. Government servants are actually public servants who instead of serving the poor nation of this under-developed country, show their dominancy, ask for bribe and frighten the powerless poor people, and delaying their work intentionally; but on the other hand, when an influential person asks for the same piece of work, it is accomplished within no time and without any bribe.
Another issue the government should pay special attention to is misappropriation of government funds; almost all the government-run institutions misuse funds, these funds are rarely used in the public interests,the most of heads of departments and the officials in power, have been growing richer day by day by committing embezzlement in these public funds. If all the funds are well utilized as per the department’s policy and in interests of the public, certainly the society will get a good deal of relief, this step could possibly prove to be the milestone for public welfare.
In corruption, Pakistan ranks the 117th country out of 180 countries of the world, according to the 2017 report of Transparency International; although Pakistan has improved a little, still it has a long way to go to curb this menace altogether. This is the curse for our society that we, being the followers of the last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), are involved in such heinous acts, we do not care about others’ rights, we never think about miseries our social dependents and neighbors are going through; we actually have turned blind to our social obligations, everyone is blowing his own trumpet; Islam clearly inhibits us to be unkind, inhumane and disrespectful to others and being indifferent and ignorant about problems of neighbors. Islam warns those who indulge in negative behavior and evil deeds, one will get punishment according to his evil and prohibited deeds but at the same time, there will be a reward ten times more if one does a good deed. Unluckily we have forgotten the teachings of Islam, as a result, we have started acting purposelessly, and we view personal benefits as more important.
Police and Judiciary are among the key departments of any country, people can be provided a quick solution to their personal, and family, community-level problems and disputes, but then again we face up another problem here to get our problems resolved. If these two departments deliver their honest services, treat the poor and influential persons equally, this society would surely witness positive revolutionary changes and of course, that would be a crucial measurement for the betterment of the country. Once the holy prophet (PBUH) while addressing a group of people, said “O people! The nations before you were devastated on account of imposing unjust punishment on a weak person and forgave the influential. I swear to Allah, if my daughter Hazrat Fatima (RA) committed stealing, I would have cut off her hands.”
We as a nation, also have to play our part in developing the better society, every citizen has got numerous obligations to fulfill, if we desire the nuisance of injustice, corruption, and other such social issues be wiped out, we will have to perform our duties well in our own capacity, whether we are a common citizen or a government official or head of an institution. White-collar crime has to be rooted out from everywhere if we wish for welfare of ourselves and for our next generations, we will have to think the same for others i.e. they may be Muslims or non-Muslims, our relatives or unknown ones, the wellbeing of the country should be the top priority; in order to prosper and become a cultured and developed nation.
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