Dental Health
Dental health, issues, diseases and treatment
Dr. Kajal Lohana
Dated: 31 July 31, 2020
Oral health is a key indicator of our overall health, wellbeing and living standard, it
Encompasses a range of diseases and conditions that include dental caries, periodontal issues, tooth loss, oral cancer, oral infection and some
Congenital diseases like cleft lip and cleft palate. In this article, you will read all that you need to know about your Dental health, care, remedies, diseases, and complications.
With good oral health, we can more confidently smile, speak, and laugh; oral health enables us to show our emotions and other facial expressions in a better way. On the other hand, poor oral health can cause frustration, lack of confidence, and also decreased appetite issues.
Tips to maintain good Oral Health:
Oral Hygiene:
1. Brushing:
We must ensure brushing our teeth properly on regular basis, we should brush at least twice a day; we need to brush when we wake up in the morning, and secondly, we have to brush at night before we go to sleep.
Here is how you should brush:
- Place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against the gums.
- Move the brush back and forth very softly in short strokes.
- Brush the outer tooth surfaces, inner tooth surfaces and chewing
Surfaces of your teeth.
- Use the tip of the brush to clean the inner surfaces of the front teeth,
Using a gentle up-and-down stroke.
- Brush your tongue so that the Bacteria are removed and freshen your breath.
- You have to brush your teeth for at least two minutes.
- You are required to change your brush every 3 months.
- Preferably use a soft brush, the hard brush can damage your soft tissues.
2. Flossing:
Flossing is equally necessary for oral health as brushing, flossing removes food and
Dental plaque from interdental spaces where the brush is unable to reach.
How to do flossing:
- Break off about 18 inches of floss and wind it around the middle
Fingers of each end.
- Guide floss between your teeth smoothly.
- When the floss reaches the gum line, curve it into C-shape against one
Tooth and slide it there.
3. Mouth Rinsing:
Mouth rinses reduce the amount of acid in the mouth, clean areas which are hard to brush in and around gums and remineralize the teeth; it
must be avoided in the case of children below the age of six.
How to rinse mouth:
- Use the right amount of mouthwash as directed by your dentist.
- Keep your mouth closed and swish the rinse vigorously as directed.
- Do not swallow mouth rinse, the fluoride in mouth rinses can be toxic,
If it is swallowed in great quantity but at the same time we need to avoid the practice to spit out excessive toothpaste right away after brushing because it can wash away remaining concentrated fluoride.
4. Drink more water:
- Water is the best beverage for overall health.
- As per the rule of thumb, Schwartz recommends drinking water after every meal; it can help to wash out the negative effects of sticky and acidic foods.
5. Limit sugary foods:
Sugary foods ultimately convert into acid in the mouth, which can
erode the enamel of the tooth and this erosion of enamel leads to dental cavities.
6. See your dentist:
You should visit your dentist at least twice a year for checkup and cleaning of your teeth; your Dentist will diagnose if there is an issue, and he/she will timely resolve it before progressing of any disease or tooth decay.
Common Dental problems:
1. Bad breath:
It is also called halitosis, it is an embarrassing condition that can cause
anxiety. Bad breath odors vary; depending on the source of the underlying
cause. If you have bad breath, you had better assess your oral hygiene yourself. Bad breath could be a result of poor oral hygiene, dry mouth (xerostomia), smoking,
medications, infections, or gum diseases.
2. Dental caries:
Dental caries is also known as cavities. This is the second most common disease in the world. Tooth decay occurs when plaque, the sticky substance that
forms on teeth, combines with sugars lead to the production of acids that
erode the tooth enamel. Cavities can occur at any age, but this disease can be prevented with brushing.
Caries patient experience pain, hot and cold
sensitivity, food gets caught into the cavity, or the tooth can get rough so it can
hurt the tongue.
3. Periodontal diseases:
It is divided into two conditions, gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis
is inflammation of gums that makes gums red, swollen, and bleeding.
When it is in an early stage, can be treated easily with brushing and
flossing, at that time, you need not visit a Doctor.
Periodontitis is the more advanced
form of gum disease, it is a major cause of tooth loss in adults and symptoms can
be bleeding swollen gums, persistent bad breath or bad taste, loosening
of teeth and change in bite.
Habits that damage teeth:
1. Smoking:
People who smoke are at higher risk of gum problems, periodontitis, and
oral cancer. Smoking suppresses the immune system that slows the healing process lead after tooth extractions or any gum surgery. Smokers usually have
stained teeth and bad breath.
2. Betel nuts:
Betel nuts have a deleterious effect on the oral cavity. Chewing betel nuts can
cause erosion and staining of teeth. Chewing betel nuts for a long time
can lead to submucosa fibrosis and oral cancer.
3. Nail-biting:
Constantly biting nails can damage your teeth as well as expose
your mouth to the bacteria existing under nails. Biting other than food
Increases the risk of chipping and cracking of teeth.
4. Clenching:
Clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth is very damaging to the tooth
structure. People clench often during stressful situations or sleep. Clenching can erode enamel and can leave the teeth exposed to decay. To get rid out of it consult your doctor.
5. Thumb-sucking:
Children who often suck their thumbs face the risk of misalignment of teeth.
Thumb sucking habit can lead to proclination of teeth or can cause
deformities on the roof of the mouth, depending on how aggressively
a child sucks his thumb.
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