Myth-busting Novel Coronavirus

Myth-Busting Covid-19

Aqsa Mushtaq


Right now, the whole world is wrapped in a dangerous and cure-less disease known as Covid-19 or Novel Coronavirus 2019. This disease has taken the shape of a pandemic and all the developed countries of the world are trying their best to overcome it but still, no cure has been found. The world is in the shadow of fear as we face an uncertain situation, nobody knows when this epidemic will end. Nobody knows whether it will actually end or if the virus will always be here like flu. The current situation of uncertainty has given rise to many myths regarding this disease; some related myths and facts are stated below.

The first myth is about face masks:

It is believed by many of us that wearing any kind of face mask can protect us from the virus; this is wrong. Global research has shown that only specific disposable surgical masks are better and more effective. If we wear these masks, infected droplets cannot cross and enter our body through nose and mouth. On the contrary, these droplets and coronavirus can easily pass through the common masks.

The second myth is that this virus only affects children, the elderly, or people who are already sick:

This is also not correct; the coronavirus can affect anyone. The only difference is that, in some cases, due to weak immune systems, children, elderly persons, and the sick may get more serious after contracting this disease while people who are young and have a strong immune system have greater chances of recovering from it.

The third myth is that if a person doesn’t have any symptoms, it means he/she doesn’t have the virus either:

This is the biggest mistake and carelessness of many people, we have the examples of Italy, Spain and the US in front of us. The people there made this mistake which resulted in more virus cases than expected. It is possible to have no symptoms at all in the first stage of this illness. The symptoms may start to appear when the illness reaches the next stage and at this point, the chances of recovery are very small - Symptoms including cough, severe fever, and having difficulty in breathing.

The fourth myth is that this virus can end at a high temperature. Some believe it can end in very low temperature:

High temperatures can indeed slow down the spread of coronavirus but it cannot completely stop it. According to the World Health Organization, Novel Coronavirus can even transmit during hot and humid weather; regardless of the climate, we must take preventive measures anyhow.

The fifth myth is related to the detection of the virus in a person:

It has gone viral on the social media that if a person holds his/her breath for at least 10 seconds and does not experience a cough or any other problem, it is certain that he/she does not have this virus:

The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that the only way to detect this virus in a person is through proper laboratory tests, except this PCS testing, any other way to diagnose the Covid-19 has not yet been discovered.

The sixth myth says that this virus can be transmitted through mosquitos and flies:

This has also not yet been proven. This virus can spread by the cough or sneezing of an infected person, by using things that have the virus on them and not maintaining social distance.

We can protect ourselves from coronavirus by maintaining social distance, using sanitizers (which contain alcohol), washing our hands regularly, and wearing specific surgical masks, hand gloves. Also we need to self-assess and should stay home to be safe.


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